Grade 5

Monday, January 8, 2018

Starting to wrap things up....

Art Update
I apologize for the long span of time between art posts but with the holidays this quarter time flies and we are so busy in the art room. I am working on getting all grades up to date which should be good to go by the end of the day. Please check Power School this evening if you haven't done so lately so you can see how your BMS art student is doing this quarter.

Late/Incomplete Work
I do have a few students that owe projects and with the quarter ending on January 26th, I ask that all late work be passed in for full credit by Monday 1/22. I will touch base will all students who are missing something so that they can make plans to stay after school with me once or twice over the next few weeks.

Student Work
Like I said we have been so busy! We started working with observation drawing and Betta Fish. Congrats to the winning families that brought home a new pet :) We moved on to Clay and hopefully everyone has seen them as the students were so excited to bring them home before break. We then worked in colored pencil and pastels (6th grade) and moving on to painting! One 7th grade class was also lucky enough to get a lesson in Chinese decorative paper cutting when our visiting students came so I have included though pictures as well....Principal Ryan can be seen being creative in a few pics too!

I have posted lots of pics below so please check them out if you have a second and as always you can follow me on instagram @donovansartroom. (I add images here all of the time).

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

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